Outsider Pedagogies Panel

Outsider Pedagogies: Research-Creation for Social Change

Who: SORCE members Miranda McKee and iowyth hezel ulthiin with important contributions by Alexa Vachon
When: Thursday, October 26th 12:30 – 1:30 pm (EDT)
Where: Online
Cost: Free!

This panel emerged from a series of collaborative discussions between SORCE members iowyth hezel ulthiin, Miranda McKee, and Alexa Vachon. Drawn from personal experience as researchers and makers outside of academia, working in engaged community praxis, each speaker uses their experience to sketch out their theoretical approaches to Research-Creation, attempting to apply their praxis inside the academy.

Accepting as natural the human approach to knowledge building that emerges from a direct relationship with the world, speakers attempt to assemble a methodology for research that engages with Decolonial and Indigenous ways of knowing, attempting to articulate how knowledge may be drawn from acts of living.

Access the recording of this session here.

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