Auto-Fictive Narrative with Kacie Hopkins

You are invited to learn from SORCE member Katie Hopkins as she shares her unique insights into creative research.

In this interactive dialogue about Auto Fictive Narratives, Kacie will explore her innovative, heart-centred approach to research, speaking about a project grounded in stitching as a form of craft and inquiry. Kacie invites us to engage with serious alternatives to neoliberalism that she performs through the creation of a feminist textural collage. Included in this collage is her great grandmother’s handmade garment, a link to the past, that she adds to through the meaningful inclusion of textures, exploring the dimensions of relationship and sense through acts of making.

There will be time to speak with Kacie about her work.

Following the presentation, SORCE will be giving a sneak peak into our upcoming Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Conference.

Come out and see the potential of Research-Creation might offer you!

When: May 9th @ 1 pm

Register in advance for this meeting:

SORCE skill-shares offer creative researchers the opportunity to talk about their experiences, successes, and failures in an open and collaborative atmosphere. We see this work as a method of mutual aid, offering our knowledge and our grounded experiences, as ways to make research more human.

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